Downtime on Site – Giveaways Extended

Contest Corner experienced a period of downtime this morning and on Saturday afternoon – this was caused by DNS errors and has now been rectified. As you have probably noticed, the old URL of brings up a re-director page from Google, leading readers to the new location. This has made it difficult for some of my readers to access the new site, especially because all of my search engine results have been renamed to “Redirecting” – see what I mean on this page. I’m the #1 search result, but no one would know what the article is about! I was receiving an error message on the URL forwarding page from Blogger regarding the DNS address, which I thought might be causing some of these issues. I contacted tech support as per their advice, but unfortunately they did not understand the problem and made changes to the DNS which caused this downtime. I apologize for the inconvenience and frustration and thank you for bearing with me! I felt so sick to see my blog go down for hours.

Because of this downtime making my giveaways inaccessible, I have extended the entry deadline on all of them by one day. The Tropical Traditions giveaway was accessible on Blogger during this period of time, so I manually transferred over all new entries that were left on Blogger during the downtime; so don’t worry, nothing was lost!

10 thoughts on “Downtime on Site – Giveaways Extended

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