Decal Delight Wall Decal Giveaway – Ends 10/05 – Worldwide

Decal Delight Wall Decal Giveaway – Ends 10/05 – Worldwide

Decal Delight

Decal Delight are an Etsy store that offer a variety of unique, fun decals which aim to lend a stylish touch to your walls. And one lucky Contest Corner reader will win a decal of their choice, up to $50, so read on!

About Decal Delight

From their Etsy shop bio:

“Wall decals are a great and easy way of decorating your walls, windows, or just about anything that you can imagine. By applying these beautiful decals, you can instantly turn most surfaces into a work of art. Our wall decals are made of top quality vinyl material that is certified to last for 5-7 years outdoors and usually much longer indoors. Additionally, they are very easily removable and leave no damage to the surface once removed. Because of these amazing qualities, our vinyl material is perfect for decorating your home walls. Once applied, the decal conforms to the texture of your wall and appears to be painted directly on the wall for a professional, clean, and delightful look. Much like a stencil, wall decals can transform your interior design into something amazing and full of art, but without the headache of stenciling and painting. Our choices of vibrant colors make it easy to match our wall decals with almost any room’s theme.”

Here is an example of some of the decals they carry:

Elegant Baroque Chandelier

Large Ballarina Dancer Ballet Dance Position

Our Family Love And Strength

Natural Bird In Grass

To learn more about the products which they offer, visit them on Etsy and check out their official website! You can also become a fan of Decal Delight on Facebook.

Giveaway time!

One lucky Contest Corner reader will be able to choose a decal valued under $50.00 from Decal Delight! Worldwide entries are welcome, but please note that winners outside of the US will be responsible for shipping costs. US winners do not have to pay shipping. Here’s how to enter:

1. For your first entry, click here to visit Decal Delight, then come back here and leave a comment telling me which decal you might choose if you won! This step is required to qualify for the drawing.

Want extra entries? Do any of the following, and leave a separate comment for each one:

2. Write a post on your blog linking to this giveaway and Decal Delight. Then come back here and leave me the link!
3. Write about this on Twitter, then come back and leave me the link to your tweet! One Twitter entry per person. You can use the button at the bottom of this post to tweet with one click!
4. Subscribe to my blog updates by clicking here. Then come back and leave me the email you subscribed with!
5. Become a follower of my blog by clicking the “Follow” button in my sidebar! Then come back here and let me know in a separate comment!
6. Post my button on your website – just copy and paste the following code, and let me know where you put it:

Rules, regulations, and other important stuff: Giveaway ends on October 5th at 11:59 PM, PST. Winner will be chosen the following day via Winner has 48 hours to respond to my notification email, or a new winner will be chosen in their place. Giveaway is open to worldwide entrants – please note that winners outside of the US will be responsible for shipping costs. US winners do not have to pay shipping. I received no compensation for this post – other than the joy of giving a prize to one of my loyal readers!

227 thoughts on “Decal Delight Wall Decal Giveaway – Ends 10/05 – Worldwide

  1. i love the Large Tree Nature Natural Wall Decal! this would look great in my living room!! 🙂


  2. I think the Large Floral Tree Panels Natural Mural Wall Decal would look so pretty in my beadroom. Now I just need to paint a wall that great color! ambrerose at aol dot com

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