Jai Gets a Makeover With #MaLoUnderwear

Jai Gets a Makeover With #MaLoUnderwear

Jai and I are on complete opposite ends of the fashion spectrum. I’ll be wearing pearls, heels, and a cocktail dress to go to the grocery store, while Jai will be wearing his favorite t-shirt and sweatpants. He also does some quirky modifications to his clothes on occasion in the name of comfort and functionality. For example, when we first met, his boots were laced up with electrical cord. Apparently, his old shoelaces wore out, and since he didn’t have another set handy, he just strung some old electrical cord through it instead. “It’s sturdier than shoelaces anyway,” he assured me.

Beeb & Jai - Christmas 2003

This is a photo of us in 2003. Jai’s wearing his infamous electrical cable boots, while I’m in one of my more heavily goth phases. Like I said, we’re quite a pair!

He’s also come up with some interesting alternatives to dry cleaning.

Boots...in the oven

What you are looking at is a photo of Jai’s boots (Sans electrical cable “Shoelaces”) inside his oven. Why was he baking his boots? Why, because they had gotten wet fishing, and cooking them seemed like the best way to dry them out…naturally. I laughed so hard that I had to grab my camera!

I like the fact that Jai has his own quirky style, because it reflects his personality and I find it endearing. I’m a major fashionista, but to me your style should be a reflection of who you are and what you like, not some specific requirement or trend. I think Jai and I make a great team, because I can step in whenever there’s a formal event and take care of all his clothing so that he doesn’t have to go through the headache of trying to figure it out, since it’s not exactly his forte and he really does not enjoy trying to figure out what tie or shoes he needs.

So when I had the opportunity to give Jai a makeover with a little help from MaLo Underwear, I thought this was another good opportunity to use my fashion skills to help out Jai on a very practical level. He was about due to purge some of his old clothes and get some replacements. Plus, we’ve both been losing weight on our diet plan, and Jai’s dropped so many pounds and inches that some of his pants are just too big now. He hates the hassle of shopping for clothes, so he will wear his clothing until it falls apart. LITERALLY. Exhibit A:

Ratty old shirt

The other day, I saw Jai carefully cutting up this ratty old stained t-shirt with some scissors. Turns out there was a hole in the collar, so he cut the collar off to “Conceal” the hole. Naturally, the opportunity to help him pick out some new, much-needed apparel accessories was very welcome!

Jai, pre-makeover

Here is Jai, ready for his MaLo makeover! He’s such a good sport that he happily went along with the plan, even though it involves blogging about his underwear – bless his heart!

Menswear department

We headed over to Target in Hillsboro to start our shopping adventure. I’ve included a few photos from our trip here, but for a full recap be sure to check out my Google+ Album by clicking here.

MaLo Underwear

They had a nice display with several different MaLo items to choose from. After checking out the selection, we decided to get two packages of MaLo trunks. They have fun patterns and a trendy design, which stood out a lot from the other brands in that department.

Jai at Target

Jai shows off his MaLo purchase!

With new apparel on hand, Jai and I headed home and set about purging some things from his closet. That red shirt with the collar cut off? Into the trash bin it goes! 😉

MaLo Trunks

Designs on the MaLo Trunks

Old clothes sorted through? Check. New accessories obtained? Check. Next, Jai headed to a local hair salon to get a haircut and complete his makeover. He’d been complaining about his hair getting in his eyes recently, so this was the perfect opportunity to get a trim.

And here it is – Jai’s MaLo inspired makeover!

Jai, post-makeover!

Jai's MaLo Makeover!

Jai said he enjoyed this makeover experience – he said it was a good excuse to get a haircut, and he really likes the MaLo underwear, saying that it’s very comfortable. He’s not the kind of guy that’s going to give up comfort and convenience for the sake of style, so I think MaLo Underwear is the perfect combination of functional and trendy.

He said that his favorite part of this experience was actually going through his old clothes to find things to get rid of, and realizing that a lot more of them fit than he previously thought. There were a lot of clothes in storage that he’d given up on wearing because they were too tight, but since we’ve been faithfully following our diet plan, he’s lost a lot of weight over the last month and realized that he can now fit back in a lot of these old items. It was a cool moment because it helped put his progress into perspective, and gave him more “New” clothes to wear!

If you’d like to give your man a makeover, be sure to follow @MarioLopezExtra on Twitter and look for MaLo products coming soon to a Target store near you!

I am a member of the Collective Bias™ Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias™ and MaLo #CBias #SocialFabric #MaLoUnderwear

21 thoughts on “Jai Gets a Makeover With #MaLoUnderwear

  1. Great makeover! I do not find cargo anything flattering on a man so kudos to him for giving them up for the sake of a makeover. And his haircut, FABulous!

  2. I’m really impressed with what a great sport Jai was! A great makeover and a great post. The shoes in the oven and the electrical cable boots made me laugh 🙂

  3. Fantastic makeover. I had to smile at your old goth photos as I have a few in my memory box that make me giggle. Btw, my husband is the same way and will wear clothing until it’s indecent.

  4. my son loved the MaLo underwear we picked out for him. Stylish, comfortable and affordable. glad your guy liked it!

  5. The part where he cut the neck out of his t-shirt had me rolling! Glad you were able to make him over. Have you thrown those boots away yet?

  6. Loving the makeover. If MaLo can make your husband agree to a makeover then my husband needs to get some!

  7. Ladies, I’m loving all your comments, haha! Christy – I thought those boots got thrown away YEARS ago, but you want to know what’s funny? He told me after I wrote this post that he still has them in a box in the attic somewhere. He laments the fact that the soles fell apart so he can’t wear them anymore, but yet he still has them. LOL!!

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