Nutrisystem Week 41 Weigh-In

Nutrisystem Week 41 Weigh-In

As members of the Nutrisystem Nation Blogger Panel, Jai and I will be receiving the Nutrisystem program free of charge in order to share our honest opinions with you. Always consult with your physician before embarking on any weight loss or exercise program.

41 weeks and counting on Nutrisystem:

Beeb’s Weigh-In:

Beeb's Weight - Week 41

Starting Weight: 164.5 lbs
Week 41 weight: 130 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 34.5 lbs
Goal Weight: 110 lbs

Beeb’s Measurements:

Beeb's Measurements - Week 41

Jai’s Weigh-In:

Jai's Weight - Week 41

Starting Weight: 217.5 lbs
Week 41 Weight: 171.8 lbs
Total Weight Lost: 45.7 lbs
Goal Weight: 158 lbs

Jai’s Measurements:

Jai's Measurements - Week 41

This week, I lost .8 pounds, bringing me down to a new Nutrisystem low of 130 pounds, while Jai had a small gain of 2 pounds, bring him to 171.8 pounds. He worked hard this week, but I think he had a bit of a water weight fluctuation. We had quite a chaotic week – the end of the month is bringing several large work projects to a head, we had several things break down this week (Like our dryer – we’ve been doing laundry at family’s house all week waiting for the replacement part to come in!) and we’re also wrapping up a huge home improvement project in anticipation of painting this week, so it’s been full-on. Jai also had a somewhat different schedule this week, as he is going to be working part-time on construction with his dad over the spring and summer. As we’re dealing with the workload and adjusting to new schedules, there will be hiccups in process, but that’s OK; once we get through this week, we’ll be on a more stable, revamped schedule again. We did miss the gym a few nights simply due to working late and not having the option, but Jai is also getting a workout doing construction, which is nice! We’ve also been taking Grandma’s dog down to the beach on nice days to make up for days where we can’t get to the gym (Or in addition to) – the weather is starting to get better, which of course makes it easier to be active.

One thing I really notice is that not being able to make it to the gym has a big impact on our water intake. Because it has been SO cold this week, it’s really hard to get enthused about drinking water if I’m not in a heated gym, you know? You can drink hot green tea as a replacement, which I really need to get into doing again; I find it harder to drink as much of a hot beverage as I do cold water, so that’s something I need to work around. (Not to mention, there’s so much going on I kind of just want to bury my head in the coffee pot! ;))

As for me, I didn’t stick to the diet as diligently as Jai – I missed some of my PowerFuels and SmartCarbs, and ate some extra desserts – naughty!! – but I still did well in the weight loss department. It’s awesome to be at 130 pounds even – it’s been several years since I’ve seen this weight and it feels great. I’m starting to notice more and more of my old clothes fitting, and I’m feeling a lot happier in my skin and how I look. My comfiest pair of pajama pants are getting so big that I almost can’t wear them anymore!

In preparation of Jai working outside the home a few days each week, I’m packing him brown bag lunches that are easily portable – a Nutrisystem lunch bar, bananas, a bag of carrots, etc. I also bought a 24-pack of water bottles so that he can stay hydrated on the job; I normally don’t buy water, but since he’s working on construction sites, it is just not practical for him to keep track of reusable bottles that just end up getting kicked around a job site, you know? On Friday, his dad took him out to lunch at a pizza place, and Jai was so good and opted for the all-you-can-eat salad bar instead of the all-you-can-eat pizza. He actually thinks he might have been a little bloated out by all the salad this weigh-in just because he’s not used to eating that many veggies in one sitting!

We had thought it might be more convenient to do our weigh-in on Monday mornings rather than Saturday mornings as we have been, since I write the post and document everything on Mondays anyway. However, after trying that the last two weeks, we are seeing how it’s actually more difficult since we have so much to deal with anyway on Monday mornings, so as of next week we will return to our Saturday weigh-ins. 😉

Nutrisystem SUCCESS

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19 thoughts on “Nutrisystem Week 41 Weigh-In

  1. Kudos to you both! I tried the 5 day thing and though I hung in there for the full 5 days, I really struggled through anything with “meat” in it. I wish they had a vegetarian version. I think I would do better with that.

  2. That’s awesome guys! I am at 11 pounds and excited about that but 30+ would be a dream!

  3. Woohoo, Beeb! You are doing amazing with this, even with the small extra desserts. 🙂 Ugh about everything breaking down. My vacuum went out this week and my camera broke. The fun of replacing. lol

  4. You are both doing great. Sometimes there is a setback, but just keep pushing and you know that it will work!

  5. Awesome! It’s definitely tough losing weight and even tougher the further along you get! Great job all around. Keep it up! (The good effort, not the weight!)

  6. This is so awesome!!!

    Hubby just got his box of food yesterday and will start April 1st. I am so excited for him.

    You are doing great!

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