Back-to-School: Start Something With Sharpie!

Back-to-School: Start Something With Sharpie!

Can it be? Are we already talking about back-to-school? With the start of August, it’ll be time to pick up school supplies before you know it. Luckily, Sharpie are taking the tedium out of school shopping with their new selection of funky markers that can help kids get creative and have some fun with their school projects!

Sharpie Brush Tip and Metallic Markers

We love Sharpie markers around here – between all the CD backups of data that Jai has to burn for his computer tech activities and my desire to label and organize everything, you better believe we use a lot of markers around here. So I was pleased when I received an envelope of complimentary Sharpie markers to test out, as I knew we’d be putting them to good use!

I received two packages: A jumbo pack of Sharpie Brush Tip Markers as well as a 3-pack of Sharpie Metallic Fine Point Permanent Markers. These new products are meant to liven up your projects with some unique colors, so I tried them out on a few things I was working on:

Birthday card greeting drawn with Sharpies

Here’s a birthday card that I decorated with the Brush Tip Markers. Try not to be too bowled over with my amazing artistic abilities. 😉 The soft brush tip really is like using a paintbrush to apply regular Sharpie marker. it’s really fun for drawing and I absolutely love the bright colors! The flexible brush tip makes it very appropriate for artwork projects. The marker ink that comes out is the same thickness and consistency as regular Sharpies, so remember to do your art projects on a fairly thick piece of cardboard so it doesn’t soak through…I neglected to do this with the card I wrote so it bled through the back a little bit. But that’s no problem, I think my masterpiece more than makes up for it, ha!

Using Sharpie Brush Tip Markers on an envelope

These were also helpful in adding cute accents to the back of envelopes.

Sharpie Metallic

I also used the Sharpie Metallic Markers to jazz up an envelope. Sharpie Metallic have the same marker tip as regular Sharpies but are filled with shimmery metallic ink. I think these are so cool – I haven’t tried it yet on dark paper, but this would have been great to have when I was using a diary that had all-black pages!

Doodling on CDs!

Finally, I tried a mix of both markers to make some fun designs on two CDs that I burned! I was worried that the ink was going to smear, but once it dried it was fine; and now I have some colorful CDs to show for it!

Have my creations inspired you to have some Sharpie fun of your own? Through August 6th, you can submit your own fabulous drawings on or the Sharpie Facebook page for a chance to possibly have it included in Sharpie’s first-ever music video! The video will feature the song “Purple” by the California Wives and will debut as a 60-second advertisement during MTV’s Video Music Awards on September 6th. So make sure you submit those doodles and maybe I’ll see your drawing on MTV!

13 thoughts on “Back-to-School: Start Something With Sharpie!

  1. Oh, how I love Sharpies! I hadn’t heard about their new brush tip. I’ll have to remember to pick some up when I’m out at Walmart today.

  2. My wife is addicted (or is it obsessed?) with Sharpies. We must have, no joke, like 50 in the house at once. All different colors. She loves using them for craft products, as well as having them handy when the family’s over, so she can put everyone’s names on their cups.

  3. Your artistic abilities are WAY better than mine. At least you can tell what your pictures are haha. Sharpie is the only brand we use around here! Definitely need to check out that brush tip haven’t used them yet.

  4. I LOVE sharpies! In my previous prekid life I was a science geek and these things rock in the lab. They write on everything and stay on without smudging!

  5. I didn’t know that you could use these to color on DVDs that your burn! What a cool idea!

  6. I LOVE sharpies. As a matter of fact I went around today looking for sharpies on back to school sale. Do I have kids in school yet? NOPE. I was getting them for myself…LOL

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