Website Review:

Website Review:

A lot of us turn to friends and family for advice when looking to invest in a new product, in addition to reading reviews and looking over customer feedback. Well, aims to bring all of these methods of comparison shopping together in one website, where users can share information with each other and offer tips and advice on everything from which electronic gadget to buy to where to find fruit baskets.

Here’s how it works: Go to and search for the topic you’re interested in, and read through user-submitted questions. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, you can submit your own question; or if you have something to add, share your knowledge! You can also choose from the various categories listed on the home page, if you’d like to browse a variety of items.

I have an Amazon gift card, and I’ve been considering putting it towards a Roomba. So last week I asked the following question:

“There are several models of the Roomba on the market. Which one is the best? What are the pros and cons of the different models?”

I haven’t gotten a reply as of this writing, so I guess no Roomba experts have seen it yet! a cool concept – I did get a little confused with the navigation at first, but they have since redesigned the whole site and it’s much easier to navigate now. They have also added a Facebook app where social networking addicts can share FreshDeals tips & advice directly on their Facebook stream. The only downside to this is that it appears that you now have to be a Facebook user to ask or answer questions, and a lot of people don’t have Facebook accounts – although it’s always surprising how many people I know are on there!

What do you think, readers? Have you used before?

0 thoughts on “Website Review:

  1. I don’t it’s so hard to choose where to go these days for sites that offer deals and comparison shopping.

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